writing to the bishops

In England, but not Scotland, Wales or Ireland, there is an established church – the Church of England.  Some of the senior bishops have places in the House of Lords, which allows them a voice in government.  Therefore what the Church of England does and what it believes affects everyone because those bishops are part of the government.

This gives everyone in the country the right to campaign about the Church of England.  Church of England bishops have voted against same-sex marriage, they voted against civil partnerships etc.  What they believe and the way they vote in government is something that everyone can have an opinion on and can campaign for them to be more LGBTQ affirming.

Wherever you live in England, you live in a diocese, which is an area controlled by one of the Church of England bishops.  If you want to campaign for better laws in England then one easy first step is to write to the bishop for your area.  You can do this whatever faith you hold, or even if you have no faith.

To find the name and contact address of your bishop, open the link below.

Suffragan Bishops contact addresses Jan 2022

These are the most senior bishops in the church of England.  Because of their role in government, you can write to each and every single one of them about matters of concern.

There are more bishops who are suffragen bishops.  These are less senior but are still powerful within the church.  They can also be written to about matters of concern.  Their publicly available contact addresses can be found by opening the link below.

House of Bishops contact addresses Jan 2022